Journal Papers

  1. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Rao, M. Carrier, Provision and Evaluation of Explanations within an Automated Planning-Based Approach to Solving the Multimorbidity Problem, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 156 (2024) 104681. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2024.104681. (pdf)

  2. M. Topaz, L. M. Peltonen, M. Michalowski, G. Stiglic, C. Ronquillo, L. Pruinelli, J. Song, S. O'Connor, S. Miyagawa, H. Fukahori, The ChatGPT Effect: Nursing Education and Generative Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Nursing Education (2024) 1-4. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20240126-01.

  3. W. Van Woensel, S.W. Tu, W. Michalowski, S.S.R. Abidi, S. Abidi, J.-R. Alonso, A. Bottrighi, M. Carrier, R. Edry, I. Hochberg, M. Rao, S. Kingwell, A. Kogan, M. Marcos, B. Martínez Salvador, M. Michalowski, L. Piovesan, D. Riaño, P. Terenziani, Sz. Wilk, M. Peleg, A Community-of-Practice-based Evaluation Methodology for Knowledge Intensive Computational Methods and its Application to Multimorbidity Decision Support, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 142 (2023) 104395. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104395.

  4. S. Basiratzadeh, R. Hakimjavadi, N. Baddour, W. Michalowski, H. Viktor, E.K. Wai, A. Stratton, S. Kingwell, J.M. Thiong, E. Tsai, Z. Wang, P. Phan, A data-driven Approach to Categorize Patients with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Cluster Analysis of a Multicentre Database, Frontiers in Neurology 14 (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1263291.

  5. R. Hakimjavadi, S. Basiratzadeh, E.K. Wai, N, Baddour, S. Kingwell, W. Michalowski, A. Stratton, E. Tsai, H. Viktor, P. Phan, Multivariable Prediction Models for Prognostication after Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review, Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation (2023). DOI: 10.46292/sci23-00010.

  6. A. Labijak-Kowalska, M. Kadzinski, I. Spychała, L. Dias, J. Fiallos, J. Patrick, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Performance Evaluation of Emergency Department Physicians using Robust Value-based Additive Efficiency Model, International Transactions on Operational Research 30 (1) (2023) 503-544. DOI: 10.1111/itor.13099.

  7. S. O’Connor, L.M. Peltonen, M. Topaz, L. A. Chen, M. Michalowski, C. Ronquillo, G. Stiglic, C. H. Chu, V. Hui, D. Denis-Lalonde, Prompt engineering when using generative AI in nursing education, Nurse Education in Practice (103825) (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103825.

  8. M. Michalowski, M. Rao, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, Using Graph Rewriting to Operationalize Medical Knowledge for the Revision of Concurrently Applied Clinical Practice Guidelines, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 140 (2023) 102550. (pdf)

  9. E. Parimbelli, T.M. Buonocore, G. Nicora, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, R. Bellazzi, Why did AI Get This One Wrong? - Tree-based Explanations of Machine Learning Model Predictions, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 135 (2023) 102471. DOI: 10.1016/j.artmed.2022.102471.

  10. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, S. Bonaccio, E. Parimbelli, M. Carrier, G. Le Gal, S. Kingwell, M. Peleg, A Health eLearning Ontology and Procedural Reasoning Approach for Developing Personalized Courses to Teach Patients About Their Medical Condition and Treatment, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2021) 7355. (pdf)

  11. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, MitPlan: A Planning Approach to Mitigating Concurrently Applied Clinical Practice Guidelines, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 112 (2021) 102002. (pdf)

  12. Sz. Wilk, M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, D. Amyot, W. Michalowski, C. Kuziemsky, N. Catal, D. Rosu, M. Carrier, R. Giffen, An Ontology-driven Framework to Support the Dynamic Formation of an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team, International Journal of Medical Informatics 136 (2020) 104075. (pdf)

  13. P. Reardon, E. Parimbelli, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Murphy, J. Shen, B. Herritt, B. Gershkovich, P. Tanuseputro, K. Kyeremanteng, Incorporating Laboratory Values Into a Machine Learning Model Improves In-Hospital Mortality Predictions After Rapid Response Team Call, Critical Care Explorations 1 (2019) 1-5. (pdf)

  14. G. Huyer, S. Chreim, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Barriers and Enablers to a Physician-delivered Educational Initiative to Reduce Low-acuity Visits to the Pediatric Emergency Department, PLOS One 13 (2018) e0198181. (pdf)

  15. M. Peleg, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, E. Parimbelli, S. Bonaccio, D. O'Sullivan, M. Michalowski, S. Quaglini, M. Carrier, Ideating Mobile Health Behavioral Support for Compliance to Therapy for Patients with Chronic Disease: A Case Study of Atrial Fibrillation Management, Journal of Medcial Systems 42 (11) (2018) 234. (pdf)

  16. L. Lessard, W. Michalowski, M. Fung-Kee-Fung, L. Jones, A. Grudniewicz, Architectural Frameworks: Defining the Structures for Implementing Learning Health Systems, Implementation Science 12 (2017) 78. (pdf)

  17. Sz. Wilk, M. Michalowski, W. Michalowski, D. Rosu, M. Carrier, M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, Comprehensive Mitigation Framework for Concurrent Application of Multiple Clinical Practice Guidelines, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 66 (2017) 52-71. (pdf)

  18. D. O'Sullivan, Sz. Wilk, C. Kuziemsky, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, B. Kukawka, Is There a Consensus When Physicians Evaluate the Relevance of Retrieved Systematic Reviews?, Methods of Information in Medicine 55 (3) (2016) 292-298. (pdf)

  19. Sz. Wilk, M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, D. Rosu, C. Kuziemsky, W. Michalowski, D. Amyot, M. Carrier, Using Semantic Components to Represent Dynamics of an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team in a Multi-agent Decision Support System, Journal of Medical Systems 40 (2016) 42. (pdf)

  20. D. O'Sullivan, J. Doyle, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, R. Thomas, K. Farion, Expanding Usability Analysis with Intrinsic Motivation Concepts to Learn about CDSS Adoption: a Case Study, Health Policy and Technology 3 (2) (2014) 113-125. (pdf)

  21. D. O'Sullivan, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, R. Thomas, M. Kadzinski, K. Farion, Learning the Preferences of Physicians for the Organization of Result Lists of Medical Evidence Articles, Methods of Information in Medicine 53 (2014) 344-356. (pdf)

  22. Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, D. O'Sullivan, K. Farion, J. Sayyad-Shirabad, C. Kuziemsky, B. Kukawka, A Task-based Support Architecture for Developing Point-of-care Clinical Decision Support Systems for the Emergency Department, Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (1) (2013) 18-32. (pdf)

  23. K. Farion, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, D. O'Sullivan, J. Sayyad-Shirabad, Comparing Predictions Made by a Prediction Model, Clinical Score, and Physicians: Pediatric Asthma Exacerbations in the Emergency Department, Applied Clinical Informatics 4 (3) (2013) 376-391. (pdf)

  24. Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Michalowski, K. Farion, M.M. Hing, S. Mohapatra, Mitigation of Adverse Interactions in Pairs of Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Constraint Logic Programming, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 46 (2) (2013) 341-353. (pdf)

  25. J. Sayyad Shirabad, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Implementing an Integrative Multi-agent Clinical Decision Support System with Open Source Software, Journal of Medical Systems 36 (1) (2012) 123-137. (pdf)

  26. W. Klement, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K.J Farion, M.H. Osmond, V. Verter, Predicting the Need for CT Imaging in Children with Minor Head Injury using an Ensemble of Naive Bayes Classifiers, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 54 (3) (2012) 163-170. (pdf)

  27. K. Farion, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, S. Matwin, A Tree-based Decision Model to Support Prediction of the Severity of Asthma Exacerbations in Children, Journal of Medical Systems 34 (4) (2010) 551-562. (pdf)

  28. D. O'Sullivan, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Automatic Indexing and Retrieval of Encounter-specific Evidence for Point-of-Care Support, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 43 (4) (2010) 623-631. (pdf)

  29. K. Farion, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, S. Rubin, D. Weiss, Clinical Decision Support System for Point of Care Use: Ontology Driven Design and Software Implementation, Methods of Information in Medicine 48 (4) (2009) 381-390. (pdf)

  30. M.J. Hine, K. Farion, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, Decision Making By Emergency Room Physicians And Residents: Implications for the Design of Clinical Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 4 (2) (2009) 17-35. (pdf)

  31. K. Farion, W. Michalowski, S. Rubin, Sz. Wilk, R. Correll, I. Gaboury, Prospective Evaluation of the MET-AP System Providing Triage Plans for Acute Pediatric Abdominal Pain, International Journal of Medical Informatics 77 (3) (2008) 208-218. (pdf)

  32. W. Michalowski, M. Kersten, Sz. Wilk, R. Slowinski, Designing Man-Machine Interactions for Mobile Clinical Systems: MET Triage Support Using Palm Handhelds, European Journal of Operational Research 177 (3) (2007) 1409-1417. (pdf)

  33. Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, M. Kersten, Interaction Design for Mobile Clinical Decision Support Systems: the MET System Solutions, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 32 (1) (2007) 47-61. (pdf)

  34. W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, A. Thijssen, M. Li, Using a Bayesian Belief Network Model to Categorize Length of Stay for Radical Prostatectomy Patients, Health Care Management Science 9 (4) (2006) 341-348. (pdf)

  35. W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, K. Farion, J. Pike, S. Rubin, Design and Development of a Mobile System for Supporting Emergency Triage, Methods of Information in Medicine 44 (1) (2005) 14-24. (pdf)

  36. W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, K. Farion, J. Pike, S. Rubin, R. Slowinski, Development of A Decision Algorithm to Support Emergency Triage of Scrotal Pain and its Implementation in the MET System, INFOR 43 (4) (2005) 287-301. (pdf)

  37. Sz. Wilk, R. Slowinski, W. Michalowski, S. Greco, Supporting triage of children with abdominal pain in the Emergency Room, European Journal of Operational Research 160 (3) (2005) 696-709. (pdf)

  38. W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, MET System: A New Approach to m-Health in Emergency Triage, Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare 2 (4) (2004) 237-249. (pdf)

  39. W. Michalowski, S. Rubin, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, Mobile Clinical Support System for Pediatric Emergencies, Decision Support Systems 36 (2) (2003) 161-176. (pdf)

  40. W. Michalowski, S. Rubin, R. Slowinski, S. Wilk, Triage of the Child with Abdominal Pain: A Clinical Algorithm for Emergency Patient Management, Paediatrics and Child Health 6 (2001) 23-28. (pdf)