Conference Papers

  1. M. Michalowski, R. Moskovitch, N. Chawla, Introduction to the Special Track on Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19 (Abstract Reprint), in: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024, pp. 22707-22707. DOI: 10.1609/aaai.v38i20.30607.

  2. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, J.M. Bauer, M. Carrier, A. Delluc, G. Le Gal, T.-F. Wang, D. Siegal, W. Michalowski, Manually-Curated Versus LLM-Generated Explanations for Complex Patient Cases: An Exploratory Study with Physicians, in: J. Finkelstein, R. Moskovitch, E. Parimbelli (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 22nd International Conference, AIME 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, July 9–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part II, LNCS, 14845, Springer, 2024, pp. 313-323. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66535-6_33. (pdf)

  3. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, M. Rao, M. Carrier, W. Michalowski, Explainability in an Automated Planning-Based Approach to Solving the Multimorbidity Problem, in: KR4H2023: 13th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care. Portoroz, Slovenia, June 15, 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. (Best paper award). (pdf)

  4. D. O’Sullivan, W. Van Woensel, Sz. Wilk, S. W. Tu, W. Michalowski, S. Abidi, M. Carrier, R. Edry, I. Hochberg, S. Kingwell, A. Kogan, M. Michalowski, H. O’Sullivan, M. Peleg, Towards a Framework for Comparing Functionalities of Multimorbidity Clinical Decision Support: A Literature-based Feature Set and Benchmark Cases, in: 2021 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, eCollection 2021, 2022, pp. 919-928.

  5. M. Rao, M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, A. Coles, M. Carrier, Towards an AI Planning-based Pipeline for the Management of Multimorbid Patients, in: M. Michalowski, S.S.R. Abidi, S. Abidi (Eds.), 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2022, Halifax, NS, Canada, June 14–17, 2022, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 13263, Springer, 2022, pp. 14-23. (pdf)

  6. M. Michalowski, M. Rao, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, MitPlan 2.0: Enhanced Support for Multi-morbid Patient Management Using Planning, in: A. Tucker, P.H. Abreu, J. Cardoso, D. Riaño, P.P. Rodrigues (Eds.), 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2021, Virtual Event, June 15–18, 2021, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 12721, Springer, 2021, pp. 276-286. (pdf)

  7. E. Parimbelli, G. Nicora, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, R. Bellazzi, Tree-based Local Explanations of Machine Learning Model Predictions – AraucanaXAI, in: 1st International Workshop on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Proceedings, 2021. (pdf)

  8. E. Parimbelli, Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, S. Kingwell, W. Michalowski, M. Michalowski, How Do Spinal Surgeons Perceive Impact of Factors Used in Post-Surgical Complication Risk Scores?, in: AMIA 2019 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2019, pp. 699-706. (pdf)

  9. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, MitPlan: A Planning Approach to Mitigating Concurrently Applied Clinical Practice Guidelines, in: D. Riaño, Sz. Wilk, A. ten Teije (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 17th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2019, Poznan, Poland, June 26-29, 2019, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 11526, Springer, 2019, pp. 93-103. (pdf)

  10. D. O'Sullivan, W. Van Woensel, Sz. Wilk, S.W. Tu, W. Michalowski, S. Abidi, M. Carrier, R. Edry, I. Hochberg, S. Kingwell, A. Kogan, M. Michalowski, H. O’Sullivan, M. Peleg, Towards a Framework for Comparing Functionalities of Multimorbidity Clinical Decision Support: A Literature-based Feature Set and Benchmark Cases, in: AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2019, pp. 919-928. (pdf)

  11. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, Representing Drug Classes for Mitigating Concurrently Applied CPGs, in: AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2018. (pdf)

  12. E. Parimbelli, Sz. Wilk, S. Kingwell, P. Andreev, W. Michalowski, Shared Decision-Making Ontology for a Healthcare Team Executing a Workflow, an Instantiation for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression Management, in: AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2018. (pdf)

  13. Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, M. Michalowski, S. Bonaccio, W. Michalowski, M. Peleg, M. Carrier, A Data- and Expert-driven Decision Support Framework for Helping Patients Adhere to Therapy: Psychobehavioral Targets and Associated Interventions, in: D. Riano, M. Peleg, R. Lenz, M. Reichert, K. Denecke, Y. Deng, T. Declerck, F. van Harmelen (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care, Process-Oriented Information Systems in Health Care, Extraction and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical Texts (KR4HC-ProHealth-RichMedSem 2017), 2017, pp. 53-66. (pdf)

  14. M. Michalowski, W. Michalowski, D. O'Sullivan, Sz. Wilk, M. Carrier, AFGuide System to Support Personalized Management of Atrial Fibrillation, in: AAAI Workshops; Workshops at the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, 2017. (pdf)

  15. N. Çatal, D. Amyot, W. Michalowski, M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, M. Baslyman, Sz. Wilk, R. Giffen, Supporting Process Execution by Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams: Middleware Design for IBM BPM, in: The 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH 2017). Procedia Computer Science, Procedia Computer Science, 113, Elsevier, 2017, pp. 376-383. (pdf)

  16. Sz. Wilk, A. Fux, M. Michalowski, M. Peleg, P. Soffer, Using Constraint Logic Programming for the Verification of Customized Decision Models for Clinical Guidelines, in: A. ten Teije, Ch. Popow, J.H. Holmes, L. Sacchi (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 21-24, 2017, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 10259, Springer, 2017, pp. 37-47. (pdf)

  17. Sz. Wilk, D. O'Sullivan, M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, C. Kuziemsky, D. Rosu, W. Michalowski, M. Fung-Kee-Fung, Aligning Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team Behavior with Workflow Execution: An Example of a Radical Prostatectomy Workflow, in: 2016 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), IEEE, 2016, pp. 112-117. (pdf)

  18. Sz. Wilk, J. Stefanowski, Sz. Wojciechowski, K.J. Farion, W. Michalowski, Application of Preprocessing Methods to Imbalanced Clinical Data: An Experimental Study, in: E. Piętka, P. Badura, J. Kawa, W. Wiecławek (Eds.), Information Technologies in Biomedicine. 5th International Conference, ITIB 2016 Kamień Śląski, Poland, June 20 - 22, 2016 Proceedings, Volume 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 471, Springer, 2016, pp. 503-515. (pdf)

  19. M. Kezadri-Hamiaz, D. Rosu, Sz. Wilk, C. Kuziemsky, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, A Framework for Modeling Workflow Execution by an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team, in: I.N. Sarkar, A. Georgiou, P. Mazzoncini de Azevedo Marques (Eds.), MEDINFO 2015, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 216, IOS Press, 2015, pp. 1100. (pdf)

  20. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, D. Rosu, M. Kezadri, W. Michalowski, M. Carrier, Expanding a First-Order Logic Mitigation Framework to Handle Multimorbid Patient Preferences, in: AMIA 2015 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2015, pp. 895-904. (pdf)

  21. Sz. Wilk, D. Astaraky, W. Michalowski, D. Amyot, R. Li, C. Kuziemsky, P. Andreev, MET4: Supporting Workflow Execution for Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams, in: F. Fournier, J. Mendling (Eds.), Business Process Management Workshops. BPM 2014 International Workshops, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 7-8, 2014, Revised Papers, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 202, 2015, pp. 40-52. (pdf)

  22. C. Kuziemsky, D. Astaraky, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, P. Andreev, A Framework for Incorporating Patient Preferences to Deliver Participatory Medicine via Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams, in: AMIA 2014 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2014, pp. 835-844. (pdf)

  23. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, X. Tan, W. Michalowski, First-Order Logic Theory for Manipulating Clinical Practice Guidelines Applied to Comorbid Patients: A Case Study, in: AMIA 2014 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2014, pp. 892-898. (pdf)

  24. Sz. Wilk, M. Michalowski, X. Tan, W. Michalowski, Using First-Order Logic to Represent Clinical Practice Guidelines and to Mitigate Adverse Interactions, in: Knowledge Representation for Health Care. 6th International Workshop, KR4HC 2014, held as part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 21, 2014. Revised Selected Papers, 2014, pp. 45-61. (pdf)

  25. D. Astaraky, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, P. Andreev, C. Kuziemsky, S. Hadjiyannakis, A Multiagent System to Support an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team: A Case Study of Clinical Obesity Management in Children, in: Proceedings of the VIII Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, 2013, pp. 69-80. (pdf)

  26. M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, D. Lin, K. Farion, S. Mohapatra, Using Constraint Logic Programming to Implement Iterative Actions and Numerical Measures During Mitigation of Concurrently Applied Clinical Practice Guidelines, in: N. Peek, R.M. Morales, M. Peleg (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2013, Murcia, Spain, May/June 2013, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 7885, Springer, 2013, pp. 17-22. (pdf)

  27. P. Andreev, W. Michalowski, C. Kuziemsky, S. Hadjiyannakis, Application of Activity Theory to Elicitation of User Requirements for a Computerized Clinical Practice Guideline: The ActCPG Conceptual Framework, in: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on information Systems (ECIS), 2012. (pdf)

  28. D. O'Sullivan, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, R. Słowiński, R. Thomas, K. Farion, Discovering the Preferences of Physicians with Regards to Rank-Ordered Medical Documents, in: S. Greco, N. Bouchon-Meunier, G. Coletti, M. Fedrizzi, B. Matarazzo, R.R. Yager (Eds.), Advances in Computational Intelligence. 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2012, Catania, Italy, July 9-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part III, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 299, Springer, 2012, pp. 142-150. (pdf)

  29. M. Michalowski, M. Mainegra Hing, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, A Constraint Logic Programming Approach to Identifying Inconsistencies in Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patients with Comorbidity, in: M. Peleg, N. Lavrac, C. Combi (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2011, Bled, Slovenia, July 2-6, 2011, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6747, Springer, 2011, pp. 296-301. (pdf)

  30. D. O'Sullivan, J. Doyle, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, K. Farion, C. Kuziemsky, Assessing the Motivation of MDs to use Computer-based Support at the Point-of-Care in the Emergency Department, in: AMIA 2011 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Improving Health: Informatics and IT Changing the World, 2011, pp. 1045-1054. (pdf)

  31. Sz. Wilk, M. Michalowski, M.M. Hing, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Reconciliation of Concurrently Applied Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Constraint Logic Programming, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, (HIBIT 2011), 2011, pp. 138-144. (pdf)

  32. Sz. Wilk, M. Michalowski, W. Michalowski, M. Mainegra Hing, K. Farion, Reconciling Pairs of Concurrently Used Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Constraint Logic Programming, in: AMIA 2011 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Improving Health: Informatics and IT Changing the World, 2011, pp. 944-953. (pdf)

  33. W. Klement, Sz. Wilk, M. Michalowski, K. Farion, Experienced Physicians and Automatic Generation of Decision Rules from Clinical Data, in: M. Szczuka, M. Kryszkiewicz, S. Ramanna, R. Jensen, Q. Hu (Eds.), Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. 7th International Conference, RSCTC 2010, Warsaw, Poland, June 2010. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6086, Springer, 2010, pp. 207-216. (pdf)

  34. M.M. Hing, M. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Identifying Inconsistencies in Multiple Clinical Practice Guidelines for a Patient With Co-morbidity, in: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops, IEEE, 2010, pp. 447-452. (pdf)

  35. Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, J. Sayyad Shirabad, MET3-AE System to Support Management of Pediatric Asthma Exacerbation in the Emergency Department, in: C. Safran, S. Reti, H.F. Martin (Eds.), MEDINFO 2010, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 160, IOS Press, 2010, pp. 841-845. (pdf)

  36. J. Sayyad-Shirabad, Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, MET3: An Integrative Open Source Based Multiagent Clinical Decision Support System, in: Intelligent Decision Making Systems. Proceedings of the 4th International ISKE Conference, World Scientific, 2009, pp. 319-325. (pdf)

  37. D. O'Sullivan, K. Farion, S. Matwin, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, A Concept-Based Framework for Retrieving Evidence to Support Emergency Physician Decision Making at the Point of Care, in: D. Riaño (Eds.), Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures. From Knowledge to Global Care, AIME 2007 Workshop K4CARE 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 7, 2007, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4924, Springer, 2008, pp. 117-126. (pdf)

  38. C. Kuziemsky, D. O'Sullivan, W. Michalowski, K. Farion, Sz. Wilk, A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Data-Driven Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines, in: J. Suermondt (Eds.), AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From Foundations to Applications to Policy (CD-ROM), Omnipress, 2008, pp. 540-544. (pdf)

  39. Sz. Wilk, W. Michalowski, D. O'Sullivan, K. Farion, S. Matwin, Engineering of a Clinical Decision Support Framework for the Point of Care Use, in: J. Suermondt (Eds.), AMIA 2008 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From Foundations to Applications to Policy (CD-ROM), Omnipress, 2008, pp. 814-818. (pdf)

  40. D. O'Sullivan, W. Elazmeh, Sz. Wilk, K. Farion, S. Matwin, W. Michalowski, W. Sehatkar, Using Secondary Knowledge to Support Decision Tree Classification of Retrospective Clinical Data, in: Z. Ras, S. Tsumoto, D. Zighed (Eds.), Mining Complex Data. ECML/PKDD 2007 Third International Workshop, MCD 2007, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2007, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4944, Springer, 2008, pp. 238-251. (pdf)

  41. W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, A. Thijssen, M. Li, Bayesian Belief Network Model of the Radical Prostatectomy Pathway, in: R. H. Sprague Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, USA, January 4-7, 2006 (CD-ROM), IEEE Computer Society, 2006, pp. 92a. (pdf)

  42. K. Farion, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, Developing a Decision Model for Asthma Exacerbations: Combining Rough Sets and Expert-driven Selection of Clinical Attributes, in: S. Tsumoto, S. Greco, Y. Hata, S. Hirano, M. Inuiguchi, S. Miyamoto, H.S. Nguyen, R. Slowinski (Eds.), Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. 5th International Conference, RSCTC 2006, Kobe, Japan, November 6-8, 2006, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4259, Springer, 2006, pp. 428-437. (pdf)

  43. J. Blaszczynski, K. Farion, W. Michalowski, Sz. Wilk, S. Rubin, D. Weiss, Mining Clinical Data: Selecting Decision Support Algorithm for the MET-AP System, in: S. Miksch, J. Hunter, E. Keravnou (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2005, Aberdeen, UK, July 23-27, 2005, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3581, Springer, 2005, pp. 429-433. (pdf)

  44. W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, K. Farion, Mobile Emergency Triage: Lessons from a Clinical Trial, in: J. E. Kendall (Eds.), 35th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, MA, November 20-23, 2004, Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM), 2004, pp. 6601-6606. (pdf)

  45. K. Farion, W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, S. Rubin, Rough Set Methodology in Clinical Practice: Controlled Hospital Trial of the MET System, in: S. Tsumoto, R. Slowinski, J. Komorowski, J. Grzymala-Busse (Eds.), Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. 4th International Conference, RSCTC 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1-5, 2004, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3066, Springer, 2004, pp. 805-814. (pdf)

  46. W. Michalowski, S. Rubin, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, Triage of Acute Abdominal Pain in Childhood: Clinical Use of a Palm Handheld in a Pediatric Emergency Department, in: R. H. Sprague Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, USA, January 5-8, 2004 (CD-ROM), IEEE Computer Society, 2004, pp. 60161a. (pdf)

  47. S. Rubin, W. Michalowski, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, Computer-assisted Triage of Abdominal Pain in Childhood: A Suggested Clinical Algorithm, in: J. Anderson, M. Katzper (Eds.), Simulation in the Health and Medical Sciences, Proceedings of the 2001 Western Multiconference, Phoenix, AZ, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2001, Society for Computer Simulation International, 2001. (pdf)

  48. W. Michalowski, S. Rubin, R. Slowinski, Sz. Wilk, Tele-triage of Child with Abdominal Pain Using the Internet-based Decision Support System, in: PIONIER 2001 - Polish Optical Internet: Technologies, Services, Applications, Poznan, Poland, April 24-27, 2001, Conference Proceedings, Poznan University of Technology, 2001, pp. 225-232. (pdf)