
2024 2023

August 2024

August 14: Wojtek Michalowski participated in the a seminar on Decision Analytics organized by the Department of Information and Service Management, and the Doctoral Education Network on Systems Analysis, Decision Making, and Risk Management at Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki, Finland. The purpose of the seminar was to pay respects to Professor Pekka Korhonen and to discuss the current state and future developments in the field. Wojtek gave a presentation co-authored with other MET researchers where he summarized the MET experience with clinical decision support systems and described the current and future research on MitPlan -- a comprehensive framework to support planning the complex treatment of multi-morbid patients.

July 2024

July 12: Martin Michalowski participated in the AIME 2024 conference that was held in South Lake City in the US. During the conference Martin presented a paper on evaluating and comparing manually-curated and LLM-generated explanations for complex patient cases (paper here). The paper, co-authored with other team members and collaborating physicians, was awarded the Marco Ramoni Best Paper Award.

Marco Ramoni Best Paper Award
Marco Ramoni Best Paper Award

May 2024

May 23: Martin Michalowski has been elected Fellow of the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (IAHSI). The official announcement can be found here.

May 7: Martin Michalowski was appointed as an University of Minnesota School of Nursing Foundation Research Professor. More information can be found here.

March 2024

March 27: Wojtek Michalowski gave an invited virtual talk at the Data Driven Healthcare Transformation Winter School at the University of Pavia titled "Clinical Decision Support Systems: An Overview and Personal Reflections."

March 1: Martin Michalowski participated in the University of Minnesota's Research Ethics Week. He presented on "Ethics in AI: Transforming Healthcare Responsibly" and partcipated in a panel titled "Exploring the Ethical Landscape: AI in Research and Beyond."

February 2024

February 21-28: Martin Michalowski attended the AAAI-24 conference held in Vancouver Canada. He presented in the journal track of the conference about the special issue of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research on AI and COVID-19 he co-edited. He also co-chaired the 8th International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI-24).

January 2024

Happy New Year to all website visitors and MET collaborators.